Ringvorlesung Architectural Research 2018


Peter Riepl
Porosity, in Support of an Open Society
Technische Universität Graz

Peter Riepl studied architecture at the University of Innsbruck. He is one of the directors of “Riepl Riepl Architekten“ studio in Linz and „Riepl Kaufmann Bammer Architektur“ studio in Vienna. He worked as visiting professor at University of Kassel, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Technical University Darmstadt and was part of the architectural advisory boards of Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft, chairman of the Salzburg design advisory board and member of the design advisory boards of Regensburg and Passau. Projects: RISC Research institute Hagenberg / OK Offenes Kulturhaus Linz / Church St. Franziskus, Steyr / 09 Hafenhalle, Linz / Nursing Home Liesing, Vienna / “Wohnzimmer” Sonnwendviertel, Vienna / Media Center ORF Austrian Broadcasting Cooperation, Vienna / University of Applied Arts, Vienna / JKU Campus Linz. Awards: Austrian “ZV” Client Award (1990, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2013, 2015), Cultural Award of Upper Austria (1989), Architecture Award of Burgenland (2004), Architecture Award “New Alpine Architecture” Sexten (2006), Timber Construction Award Upper Austria (2003, 2009), Timber Construction Award Vorarlberg (2007, 2x 2013).