The Ancient Monastic Complexes of Tholing, Nyarma and Tabo

The third volume of the series entitled Buddhist Architecture of the Western Himalayas presents the monuments of the monasteries in Tholing, Nyarma and Tabo. These three monasteries were founded from the turn of the 10th to the 11th century and are a decisive testimony to the early development of the Kingdom of Guge.



Herausgegeben von:  
Holger Neuwirth, Carmen Auer
Erscheinungstermin: März 2021
413 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-85125-775-5 








Peer Review

„Die TU Graz darf sich glücklich schätzen, einem Team über Jahre hinweg die Möglichkeit gegeben zu haben, in Ladakh, Spiti und im westlichen Tibet zu arbeiten. Die Ergebnisse sind für die Bau- und Kulturgeschichte der Himalaya Region von unschätzbarem Wert. […]. Die Ergebnisse des Teams der TU Graz erreichen absolut internationale Qualitätsstandards und legen zugleich nahe, in einer weiteren Arbeitsphase Details zeichnerisch und analytisch zu bearbeiten“
Niels Gutschow, Universität Heidelberg, 4. Januar 2021
“The book is a granular study of the remains based on detailed observations made on-site, through extensive photographic and other archival documentation in some cases going back nearly a century and a quarter. Each site is meticulously “reconstructed” virtually, allowing for multifaceted examination of site, structure, materials, scale, orientation, and relationship with other later buildings at each site, enclosing walls, as well as comparisons among these and other early sites.[…].While these technical studies can probably not be improved upon, no doubt the authors would agree that they reflect but one voice in a harmonic chorus, one finely-tuned string in an instrument that ultimately must incorporate, and be incorporated, by cross-, multi- and inter-disciplinary studies.”
Rob Linrothe, Northwestern University, 3 March, 2021