Graz Architecture Lectures ’18

The Graz Architecture Lectures 2018 invite to Graz nine international architects and theorists, who will present their most recent projects and research in the fields of architectural design, urban planning, environment and landscape, digital design and art theory. The lectures mirror the specialized focus areas of the different institutes of the faculty of Architecture at Graz University of Technology.

Die Graz Architecture Lectures 2018 finden am 12. März 2018 ab 9.00 Uhr in der Kronesgasse 5/1.OG in 8010 Graz statt.


09.15 Uhr
Stefan Peters (Dekan Fakultät für Architektur, TU Graz): Begrüßung
Ingrid Paoletti (Politecnico Milano): Innovative Mass Customization for Building Technologies
Allen Sayegh (Harvard GSD, Cambridge/MA): Measuring the Unseen

10.50 Uhr: Kaffeepause

11.10 Uhr
Barbara Steiner (Kunsthaus Graz): The Exhibition as Relational Structure
Ines Weizman (Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar): Documentary Architecture

12.30 Uhr: Mittagspause

14.30 Uhr
András Pálffy (TU Wien): Retroperspective
Jonas Elding (Elding Oscarson, Stockholm): Recent Projects

16.00 Uhr: Kaffeepause

16.30 Uhr
Elke Delugan-Meissl (Delugan Meissl Associated Architects, Wien): Atmospheres in Architecture
Steven Delva (DELVA Landscape Architects, Amsterdam):The Inclusive City
Etienne Turpin (anexact office, Berlin und Jakarta): Designing The Anthropocene

18:30 Uhr: Buffet
mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Landeshauptmann Herrmann Schützenhöfer